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Plan Work to send via DOJO

30 minutes:

Begin by watching the Jolly Phonics Songs on YouTube. The children should join in with the songs and actions:

After that, go to the Phonics Play website: (resources)

Login: march20      or     jan21               
password: home                                   

Play the three games in the order below. It will follow a similar structure to our lessons on Zoom.

1) Flash Cards Speed Trial (after pressing start select pick individual graphemes and select all for Phase 2 set 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and phase 3 set 6 and 7):

2) Pick a Picture (after pressing start select phase 3 sets 6 and 7 only):


3) Sentences (Underneath the resources tab at the top click on phase 3 ):

 If the links do not work, go onto the website, click on the ‘Resources’ tab at the top of the screen, click on ‘Phase 2’ and find the correct games underneath.

Finally, practise reading and writing the Phase 2 Tricky words (scavenger hunt and spelling-letter formation worksheet).
1) Go on a tricky word hunt around your house. 
2) Write tricky words using correct letter formation - Make sure they start and end in the correct place. 

Photo of tricky word hunt (reading).

Spelling of tricky words.


Plan Work to send via DOJO

Go on to the link:

Follow Session 5 – Measuring ingredients
1) Watch video.
2) Complete the activity (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video). If you do not have the ingredients for the playdough recipe…Follow another set of cooking/baking instructions where you need to measure out ingredients.

Photo of session 5 activity

Physical Development

1. Objective: To further develop and refine a range of ball skills including - throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.

Follow the instructions: Seven Ball Games-Activities for Throwing and catching

2. Join in with Pedro the penguin’s yoga session:


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