Welcome to our Governors section.
Who are we and what do we do?
The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic leadership and accountability in school. We are responsible for the recruitment and one of us will be present at interviews of all prospective staff.
It is Governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in the school and we will work with the Head Teacher to make decisions about balancing resources, applications for leave of absence during term time and the future of the school. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body.
All members of the Governing Body have voting rights, other than associate Governors.
The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher (a critical friend)
Governors Membership