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Work to send via DOJO

Begin by watching Number Blocks to introduce 6:
S2 Episode 1 (Six):

Go on to the link:

Follow Session 1 – Which show 6? Composition of 6.
1) Watch video.
2) Complete the activity (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video.)

Finish by watching Number Blocks S2 Episode 8 (Counting sheep):


Photo of session 1 activity





Work to send via DOJO

  1. Read or watch: Percy the Park Keeper ‘One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth’:
  2. Discuss the story (e.g. author, title, characters, setting, plot).
  3. Make links to the stories we’ve read so far this half term (Lost and found by Oliver Jeffers and The runaway Iceberg –Twinkl original).
    Question: What is similar/different? E.g. where the story is set (different: park), what it looks like (different: trees and a hut), what the weather is like (similar: snow/icy), which animals live there (different: mice, rabbit, fox…) etc.
  4. Explain that the similarity is the weather. Inform children that this weather usually occurs in WINTER.
  5. Look through Winter Photos and/or any photos of children during winter and discuss further.


No work needed

Understanding the World


Work to send via DOJO

Understanding the World
Learning objectives: Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.
Explore the natural world around them.

Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.

1. Watch:

(usually only works on the internet browser Google Chrome!)

2. Go on a Winter hunt/walk outside. Use the Winter-hunt-checklist as you explore outside. Remember to take lots of photos to help you remember what you have seen once back indoors.
Challenge: Whilst on your winter walk can you complete the Winter Maths challenge cards?

3. Now create your own winter landscape picture/drawing. Be as creative as you can!


Photos of things found linking to the season of Winter.

Your drawing of a winter landscape.