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Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  At Snape Wood Primary School, we want all of our pupils to;

  • Understand the characteristics of safe, positive and healthy relationships, which might be with friends, family or other adults. 
  • We want our pupils to learn how to be happier, healthier and safer, with a good understanding of contributing factors to their personal, social, emotional and economic well-being and the impact that they can have on others, both locally and globally.
  • We wish to give pupils the opportunity to learn about how to assess risks and keep themselves safe from harm. 
  • We want our pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future in order to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in the modern world.
  • We want our pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.
  • Pupils will be prepared for the changes of adolescence to ensure they are equipped to manage these effectively.  All of this is set within and compliments the morals and PRIDE values of our school.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum also incorporates money and work, media literacy, digital resilience and belonging to a community.  We understand that for children to achieve academically they need to be able to recognise and manage their own physical and mental health. To support this;

  • We provide pupils with opportunities to reflect on their own well-being and development within PSHE lessons and across our wider curriculum. 
  • We are passionate about our community and use whole school/class assembly and PSHE time to explicitly teach our pupils what it means to be a part of a community and how we can help ourselves and others. 
  • We want our children to be ambitious and develop an understanding of money and employment future.  

Our key aims are to teach our pupils the key skills to keep themselves safe and for them to be respectful to themselves and recognize the equality of all.


At Snape Wood Primary School, we use the SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) scheme of work to plan and support our PSHE and RHE (RSE). It is centred on a values-based and ‘Growth Mindset’ approach. SCARF lessons promote positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience, and achievement. SCARF provides us with a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and RHE (RSE) with over 350 lesson plans, which are mapped to the National Curriculum and cover all of the DfE’s statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study recommended learning opportunities. PSHE learning is also supplemented by special events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Children’s Mental Health Week, Healthy School Week, and Safer Internet Day.

Each year group covers the same six core themes:

1. Me and My Relationships
2. Valuing Difference
3. Keeping Myself Safe
4. Rights and Responsibilities
5. Being at My Best
6. Growing and Changing.

SCARF is a spiral curriculum, which means that the children cover these same six themes every year, and each time they encounter a theme, it increases in complexity and reinforces previous learning. This continual revisiting with a changing focus ensures that learning becomes embedded and children continue to build upon and deepen their knowledge and understanding in all PSHE and SRE areas.


As with all curriculum areas, there will be assessment in RSHE/PSHE to ensure that pupils are achieving the intended learning outcomes.  Teachers will assess pupils’ learning at the end of each half term. 

SCARF summative assessment ‘I can…’ statements.

These can also be used to evidence progression. There is a set for each year group from Y1-6.  The ‘I can ‘statements are a summary of the key learning outcomes for the whole of the related half-termly units. These statements are at three levels – emerging, expected and exceeding. They assess the key learning outcomes for each half-termly unit.

Ofsted state in their EIF handbook that assessment should not be overly complicated or onerous to implement; assessing learning outcomes for each lesson would be too much.

SCARF assessment tools will help you to implement best practice in assessment, as set out by the PSHE Association's guidance: that:

"Assessment in PSHE education should not be about levels or grades, passing or failing. The model of assessment that is most meaningful is ipsative assessment. This compares the pupil’s results against his or her previous results in a similar way to an athlete measuring today’s performance against their previous performance. So the benchmark against which progress is measured is the pupil’s own starting point; not the performance of others or the requirements of an exam syllabus. "

(PSHE Association's Guidance to Assessment for Learning and Progression)


At Snape Wood Primary, we record 'I can...' statement assessments as a whole class level on the one sheet, rather than producing one for each child; teachers then record children who are performing above or below the expected level. 

As well as using the ‘I can ..’ statements, teachers may use different forms of  assessments in order to measure progress.  These may involve quizzes, work samples, observation of role-play, pictures, and so on.

Intended Impact:

  • RSHE and PSHE is accessible for all pupils
  • Pupils develop a positive view of themselves and to respect others
  • Pupils understand that they have rights over their bodies 
  • Pupils can recognise pressure in all its forms and have strategies to resist this
  • Pupils have the knowledge and skills to recognise and manage risks and keep themselves safe, in real life and online
  • Pupils understand what helps to keep their bodies and minds healthy and things they can do to improve their health and wellbeing
  • Pupils have the knowledge and skills to recognise and manage their mental and emotional well-being. 
  • Pupils understand their changing bodies before the changes occur.  
  • Pupils understand what it means to be part of a community
  • Pupils begin to develop an understanding of money and employment
  • To provide opportunities for all students to learn appropriate to their needs