Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. This funding is aimed at addressing the current underlying inequalities that exist between children from disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged backgrounds. The DFE has given us the freedom to use the Pupil Premium as we see fit, based on the knowledge of our pupils’ needs.
Who qualifies for Pupil Premium?
Children who qualify for the Pupil Premium are identified as the following: any child who has claimed Free School Meals in the last 6 years; any child looked after or previously looked after; any child who has a parent serving or served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces or has retired on a pension from the Ministry Of Defence; any child who has or has had a social worker or any child acting as a carer.
Pupil Premium at Snape Wood
At Snape Wood Primary School, we are dedicated to motivating and inspiring all learners so they embrace challenge with resilience, show respect and collaborate well so they can achieve excellence: At Snape Wood Primary, we take PRIDE in all of our children; we firmly believe that children receiving Pupil Premium deserve the same life chances as their peers.
Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers. We also consider the challenges faced by other vulnerable pupils, such as those who have a social worker and young carers. The action we have outlined in this statement is also intended to support their needs, regardless of whether they are dis-advantaged or not.
High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers.
The challenges our disadvantaged pupils face varies across the school and our role as practitioners is to become an expert in these children. Interventions are led by pupil need, rather than label and we ensure that all staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils, so that they are fully aware of strengths and weaknesses within their class and phase.
Well-being, self-belief and resilience are high on our priorities for our Pupil Premium children and so our Pupil Premium Pupils are assured the opportunity to attend all school visits and residentials. They are prioritised when allocating certain extra-curricular activities including clubs, workshops and educational visitors. Discrete activities for Pupil Premium Pupils are also planned throughout the year in an attempt to offer them experiences, that they other-wise might not receive
The Action Plan for Pupil Premium spending focuses on whole-school strategies that impact all pupils, strategies that target under-performing pupils, and specific strategies targeting pupil premium pupils. We have a clear, strategic approach to the use of Pupil Premium funding, and plans are integrated into wider school support and improvement systems. These are monitored and evaluated regularly and in depth data analysis ensures that the correct support and strategies are identified to maximize progress.
The leadership team ensures that Pupil Premium funding has the necessary impact on achievement, attendance and pastoral care. This includes an identified Governor with responsibility for Pupil Premium, the Headteacher leading developments, and the dissemination of information to all parties. All matters relating to the Pupil Premium are reported back to the Governors sub-committees, ensuring that the school is held to account for the impact of spending. Ensuring all staff takes responsibility for Pupil Premium actions enables school to develop a strong, comprehensive and sustainable support package which leads to improvements in outcomes for all children
Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.