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Welcome to the SEND information page of our website.

Here, you will find information about the provision we offer to children who are diagnosed with, or who may have Special Educational Needs, Additional Needs or a disability.

All staff at Snape Wood Primary and Nursery School are committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced and inclusive. Our aim is to provide children with opportunities to achieve in all areas, both academically and personally. We are committed to providing children with the skills they need to live fulfilled lives as adults in our community.

Staff believe that by working together (staff, parents, pupils and other professionals) many barriers can be overcome.

Please join us for our periodic Coffee Mornings where you can meet other parents and carers, chat and discuss all things SEND and meet the SENDCO. This is an informal space where we can share a drink and a biscuit. We look forward to meeting with you. Details and dates can be found on the school's calendar. 

Our SENDCO is Mrs Shewley Choudhury (Head Teacher)

SEND Provision at Snape Wood Primary and Nursery School

What Special Educational Needs does Snape Wood Primary make provision for?

The school recognises the importance of early identification of SEND. Special Educational Needs are identified within the following areas of need and support:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

Snape Wood Primary and Nursery School is a mainstream school that has provision to meet SEND, such as:

  • Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties
  • ADHD/ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder)
  • ASC (Autistic Spectrum Condition)
  • Language and Communication difficulties
  • Social and Emotional difficulties
  • Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
  • Sensory Processing Difficulties
  • Physical Disability

How would Snape Wood identify if my child needed extra help?

At Snape Wood, all class teachers adapt to the needs of their pupils in every lesson. If a child is having difficulty with a particular area, they are highlighted to the SENCO and wider Senior Leadership Team, and added to the class provision map which indicates how and when they will receive additional, targeted support for the area of difficulty.

If a child does not make progress with targeted support or additional intervention, we contact parents and arrange for a consultation with the class teacher, parents and SENCO. We then agree on specific targets for the child to work on at home and in school over the term. We record the child's specific targets on an Individual Learning Plan. This enables us to track the child's progress and provision.

If a child continues to require additional support, we will consider engaging external professionals for advice and guidance, applying for additional funding or, in some cases, applying for an Education Health and Care Plan.

How does Snape Wood assess and review the progress of children with SEND?

Provision maps are drawn up to ensure all children receive the interventions required to support their learning and/or social and emotional needs. Teaching assistants are deployed throughout school to support learning, deliver interventions and meet medical needs.

Those children who are receiving support through provision mapping are constantly being assessed and reviewed by their class teacher. The provision maps are reviewed every term (3 times per year).

Children who have an Individual Learning Plan are also continuously assessed, and their Learning Plans reviewed, and new targets set every term.

If a child has an EHCP, they will have a statutory review of their plan every year. They will also have an Individual Learning Plan that is reviewed termly.

For children with SEND working below Key Stage Standards, we use an assessment tool called BSquared Primary Steps. This assessment tool enables us to monitor smaller steps of progress that children make. We set and review achievable and aspirational targets every term and the SENCO monitors progress across the whole SEN cohort. We assess children in English, Maths, ICT, Science, PSHE and PE. We set targets for English and Maths.

How will Snape Wood staff support my child?

Class teachers are responsible for adapting to the different needs of their pupils. Therefore, children will be fully integrated into classroom life, whilst receiving an appropriately challenging curriculum.

However, some of our children are not able to access the curriculum for a range of reasons. In this instance, we will work with our colleagues, parents and wider professionals to support your child outside of the classroom in order to meet their needs. As part of this process, we will always seek to re-integrate back into the class as soon as it is appropriate to do so. 

The support your child receives will be dependent upon their needs. For example, if your child has a provision map, Individual Learning Plan or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), they will receive support that is specific to their needs and development. Therefore, children do not all receive the same amount of support.

Children may receive 1:1 support, small group targeted support (in or out of the classroom), or support within the class by either a teacher or teaching assistant. They may attend an intervention or booster group which may take place over one or two terms, or they may require continued and sustained intervention. 

What is the SEN Register?

What is a SEN Register?

This is a list of all the pupils in the school who have special educational needs (SEN).  This register makes it easier for the SENDCo and staff to monitor those pupils who need extra help.

Why is my child on the SEN Register?

Any pupil on the SEN register has been identified as having a special educational need. This may mean that additional adaptation of teaching and resources will be given to pupils to help them to make progress.

What does this mean for my child?

If your child is placed on the SEN Register, then they will start to receive extra help.  This will be set out on a Individual Learning Plan, so that you can see what help your child is receiving and how often.

Will my child always be on the SEN Register?

Some pupils with significant needs will always be on the SEN Register because they will always need help.  Other pupils may only need help for a short amount of time, and if they no longer need any help, then they will be removed from the SEN Register in discussion with parents/carers.

What if my child has additional needs but not a learning difficulty?

We also have an additional needs register. This enables staff to monitor children who are learning at Age Related Expectations and have a disability or other difficulty such as English as an additional language. This register is also used to monitor children whose learning or behaviour is a concern, but they are not yet significantly behind their peers or having difficulties in school.

How does Snape Wood adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND?

As all children are individuals, the curriculum will be adapted to meet their needs accordingly. This may be by providing children with different tasks or different resources to carry out their learning challenges. For example, every classroom has a 'Maths Manipulatives' area where children can access practical equipment to support their learning. In each classroom, we also have visual timetables to encourage independence and reduce anxiety around the school day.

The school has a number of additional rooms and spaces separate to classrooms, which enable children to access a quieter and less visual learning space, outdoor learning or a sensory space to stimulate their senses and immerse them in a learning environment. These rooms will be used for 1:1, small group or intervention and booster sessions.

What specialist services and expertise are available to Snape Wood?

Our SENDCO is a qualified teacher (Shewley Choudhury - Headteacher) with experience of working in a mainstream school and has many years of experience working with children with SEND needs.

Within school, we have access to a range of screening tools, which are used to identify, assess and support social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Where we require external support from staff or students, Nottingham City has a number of agencies we work closely with, such as:

  • Behaviour Support
  • Educational Psychology
  • Inclusive Education Team - This includes the Autism Team, Learning Support Team, Sensory and Physical Team 
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • School Nurse
  • Social Workers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Dietitians

Snape Wood Primary makes graduated provision for pupils with SEND in line with the Nottingham City Framework, which may be found as part of the SEND Local Offer. The Local Offer sets out information about provision the Local Authority expects to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled.

SEND documents and policies