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Follow Session 3 – Measuring capacity
1) Watch video.
2) Complete the activity (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video)

Photo of session 3 activity



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  1. Recap this week so far.
  2. Look through the Antarctic scenery posters and igloo images. Discuss what the children can see.
  3. Discuss what you might need to take to the Antarctic if you were going there to be an explorer/scientist.  It might be helpful to ask the children questions to prompt their thinking, e.g. “What will they need to keep themselves warm?” “What will they need to find their way around?” “What food will they need?”
  4. Go on a hunt around your house/classroom, to gather items and lead a discussion about which items would be useful for the journey. You could ask the children questions to support them as they think, e.g. “Why would the boots be useful?” “Do you think they would need something to show them the way?”
  5. Pick an item, explain why it would be important for the trip, and place it in a bag/suitcase.
  6. Once the bag/suitcase is packed, talk to the children about how useful it is to write a list when you pack for a long journey, so you ensure you don’t forget anything.
  7. Read activity instructions. Write a list (using worksheet or plain/lined paper) of what you would need to take to the South Pole- Don’t forget, a list doesn’t need to be written in full sentences. You can use numbers or bullet points. Do use your robot arms to segment and blend (sound out) just like in our Phonics lessons. The words do not need to be the correct spelling; try to identify at least the beginning and end sound as well as one in the middle. Finally, try hard to write your letters correctly.
  8. Play the game (choose WINTER for the season):


List  of what you would need to take to the South Pole


Science Experiment

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Melt the Ice Cube Activity

1. Look at the ice cube images (Understanding the World- Science Experiment - POSTERS). Discuss using words such as ‘melt’, ‘melting’, ‘melted’, ‘water’ and ‘ice’.

2. Explain the activity (use worksheet: Understanding the World- Science Experiment - What will melt ice cubes the quickest?)

3. Complete the practical activity filling in the worksheet as you go along. Take photos of each step. Discuss how you will know when an ice cube is melting and how you will be able to tell which has melted the quickest. For example, will you time them?
Encourage your child to complete the worksheet themselves with your verbal support.

Photo of the completed worksheet.